
Quality Policy

Hotel Villa Mandi Golf Resort aims to meet the needs and expectations of its customers by providing services as specified in terms of economic efficiency and competitiveness; and marking main objective is to achieve quality standards in continuous service improvement process.

It also aims to optimize the management of the resources available to the company and achieve continuous improvement in all its activities and services. In order to maintain this philosophy, our organization as fixed values ​​(principles) corporate as follows:

• Cheerful: fully satisfy the expectations of our customers by offering quality and price balance and maintaining a rigorous cost control policy.
• Personalized service: Give a personalized service to our customers at all times watching our kindness and cordiality.
• Continuous Improvement: Develop a spirit of improvement continues of our work, our training and promoting recycling.
• Family business: Using communication family atmosphere that characterizes our company to consolidate our interests.
• Work, simplicity and ethics: Promoting and convey a favorable working environment and professional ethics under the commitment to increase the level of training of all our employees.

To achieve our quality objectives we follow a process established by the company to help us locate areas for improvement and make us guidelines to follow to reach a level of quality service that meets the expectations of our customers.
One such process are:
• Delivering customer satisfaction questionnaires to all clients the day before departure
• Monitoring of these questionnaires for analysis with department heads
• Inclusion of best employee in the customer satisfaction questionnaire to reward, to thank and acknowledge the work effort of quality at the best employee of the month
• Monthly meetings with department heads to discuss possible deviations from the required level of satisfaction and apply the appropriate corrective
• Monitoring of complaints / faults the customer’s receiving the relevant confirmation to the customer satisfaction of the solution adopted
• Suggestions for staff where ideas for improving service quality or provide any complaints before they happen
• Promoting among employees quality standards, with specific quality goals each month through meetings with department heads template

The Hotel Villa Mandi Golf Resort understands and accepts that the quality expectations of customers change depending on nationality, age and changing times so our analysis should be continuous so that our standards are always appropriate to try to cover full personal expectations of each of our clients.

The Management